architects in north lancashire and south cumbria

Lancaster and Westmorland Society of Architects
november 2014
the first of a new series of events jointly organised by the Lancaster and Westmorland Society of Architects and the Lake District National Park Authority.

Event speakers: Julian Handy of Mason Gillibrand Architects, Ben Cunliffe of Ben Cunliffe Architects and Laura Miller of Miller Clear Architects
The aim of the series named 'imagine: inspire: involve' is to promote excellent, local, high-quality design; to improve the quality of the built environment in our local area, to raise the profile of local architects; and to involve the public and clients.
The first event ‘Meet the Architects: Meet the Planners’ which took place on 25th November 2014, was an opportunity for planners and architects in the region to meet informally over tea and cakes at the Lake District National Park Authority headquarters in Kendal.
Over 60 people came, including planners, architects, Planning Committee members and other professionals.
The LAWSA exhibition ‘Building in the Country’ was on display and three local architects each gave a short talk about the aims and philosophy of their practice; they were Ben Cunliffe of Ben Cunliffe Architects, Laura Miller of Miller Clear Architects and Julian Handy of Mason Gillibrand Architects.
A lively question and answer session followed.
In 2015 we plan to continue the LAWSA/LDNPA series, with other local architects given a chance to present talks, possibly under headings such as ‘Sustainability’ or ‘Conservation’ , and inviting the public, developers, and other construction professionals.